Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Next 30

Well here it is. A little over a week ago I turned 30 and I said that I wanted to make a list of things I wanted to do. So the next day as I sat waiting to see the dentist I made my list, and now I am putting it out there for all to give their 2 cents.

Routine exercise
Eat healthy
Daily quiet timme with God in prayer and study of His Word
Yearly Doctor visit
Bi-yearly Dentist visit
Monthly date night with Corben
Monthly girls day with Pearl to coinside with Corben's spiritual day
Call and talk with my Grandparents on a weekly basis
Famliy devotions
Nighty devotions with Corben
Weekly family night
Weekly family day
One meal a day @ the table as a family
One week a year vacation with just Corben and Pearl
Monthly day away
Establish family traditions

Some of these things I already do some will be new. Some of these things need a lot of work others are consistant and do not need much work at all.


Keith H. McIlwain said...

Good goals; praying that you do well!

Corben said...

Great goals and if there is anything that I can do to help, besides pray, since I am already doing that. Let me know.

smkyqtzxtl said...

Happy birthday. Being almost twice as old as you are, I wish when I was your age I had begin to think about cholesterol. Oh well.