Friday, September 12, 2008

Pearl's fourth day of Preschool

Pearl was just as excited today for preschool.

I am glad she really is enjoying school and i hoep she keeps it.

Stepping Up

Today, even though I could not make it to the session due to the fact I am away on a Clergy Spouse Retreat, I am starting another Beth Moore Bible study. This one is entitled Stepping Up. I did this once before with a group of wonderful ladies from Concord, of which some I have known since I was in high school. This time however I am doing it with a group of ladies as a part of a community Bible study in Punxy. I am looking forward to meeting new people and building relationships with the ladies of the area. As part of today's lesson I wrote a psalm based on Psalm 120. Enjoy:

I yell for God and He says what.
Lord deliver me from family strife.
What will He do to you strife.
A servant's heart with love!
Oh that I satay that I live in hurt.
I have been silent and absent too long.
I want to build a bridge but they won't come on.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am excited apathy is not as widespread as I thought

In the aftermath of 9-11 I saw people looking to God for help and I saw many amazing things. I know God is not the author of evil, but that He can use all for His will and purpose and I was blown away at the sacrifices people made during 9-11 from firemen, police, people giving their own, and the loved ones left make sense of it all. Today after dropping my daughter off at preschool I was driving home, back to Timblin, and I passed an elimentary school where I saw teachers gathering all the students, those little elimentary school kids, and I was glad at first and started getting excited thinking about how little 9-11 is talked about, remembered, or the grace of God in the midst of it celebrated and honored. I looked back at those people around the flagpole and got excited because apathy is not as widespread as I thought it was and I thought about a passage in scripture where Jesus talks about letting the little ones come to him for such as these belong the kingdom of heaven. For us to honestly and purely come before God, admitting we are weak and need help, looking to God to answer our prayers, and honor as well as celebrate God's hand in the midst of hurt, reminds me we can no longer live the days of doing nothing, of having faith, that only affects our lives when we walk through the church doors and into the sanctuary, but must permiate every aspect of our lives down to whatever is inside the protons, neutrons, and electrons, inside every cell of our bodies.

I hope you look around this September 11th and see whatever God wants you to see and share it with someone else.

Pearl's third Day of Preschool!!!

Pearl gets more and more excited every day to go to preschool!!!

She was so excited she even had me take a picture of her against a ruler painted on the wall.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pearl's second day of Preschool!!!

I think Pearl was even more excited for the second day and have even more fun

There were less pictures on the second day because dad was bad and let the batteries die in the camera, but the report from the teacher was that she was again cheerful, playful, even though she refused to open her milk carton by herself and that she played with the computer, blocks, and went for a walk.

Pearl's first day of Preschool!@!

Pearl sure did have a great first day of Preschool, just check out the slideshow!!!

Pearl does not seem to miss a beat, jumping into a new school for Preschool this year, after moving from Bridgewater to Timblin and she seems to be having a great time!, I hope the second day is just as good if not better.

Monday, September 01, 2008


NIV Ecclesiastes 1:6 The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.

I often ponder what it meant, formally, metaphorically, figuratively...
Wind here and there, wind everywhere, north, south, changing direction, and ever returning on its course.

I am not sure I know any more, have come any further, but maybe that is the point as long as we are doing what God created us to do, following Him, honoring him, obeying Him, loving Him, using the gifts He gives us, and every time I look at this picture I remember it is much less about the big things then it is about the every day little things in life that we need to be so especially faithful in.

As the wind blows over you and through your hair may you and I see where God's wind is taking us and leap forward.