Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Vacation

We spent just about a week this year the end of May begining of June in Pegion Forge Tennesse with my parents, sister, and her boyfriend. This was his first family vacation. The hotel ended up being under construction so we didn't get the rooms we had planned, but it all worked out in the end and we had a great time. We spent one day at Dollywood, one day at Spash Country, one day at the Aguarium, and lots of time shopping and seeing the sights. We can not wait for family vacation next year Pearl's says go to the beach. We will see. Enjoy a few of the thousands of pictures we took.

1 comment:

Corben said...

I am amazed at no matter how many times Pearl goes to the Aquarium she still runs to each display like it was the first time and then starts talking all about them. She has seemed to move on though from being overly excited about stingrays to being overly excited about sharks and the last time we went she got to see a giant turtle and got so excited I thought she was going to pass out.