Monday, September 17, 2007

Bulletin Mess ups

Bulletin mess ups can be so embarrassing. I recently read one in a book on church jokes that told everyone attending the weenie roast to remember to bring your own hot dogs and guns.

This inspired me to write down a few that I have thought of:

Suicidal tendencies Church Seminary to be held Thursday only!

United Methodist rally on anti-pro war September 14th.

Celebrate our Open House, doors will be closed until 10:00 A.M.

Please remember to enjoy our Hospitality after the service.

Enjoy our chore singing Amazing Grace for todays special music.

Please remember to put out your buts before entering the church.

and finally...

UMW will be held this Thursday in the Parlor at 12:00 P.M. which will be followed by the prayer group.

*** Disclaimer: In no way do these Bulletin entries reflect any church, secretary, or personnel even if it is resembling ***


Greg Cox said...

Weight Watchers will meet at 7:30 at the church. Please use the large double doors at the side entrance.

Greg Cox said...

or how about . . .

Next week's sermon "What is Hell."
Come early to hear our choir practice.

Anonymous said...

Our youth basketball team is back in action wednesday at 8 pm in the recreation hall. come out and watch us kill christ the king

ladies don't forget the rummage sale. it's a chance to get ride of those things not worth keeping around the house. don't forget your husbands.

u can find so many more hilarious ones elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

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