Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day

Fathers Day... a time to honor parents, much like Mothers day, but with a major difference, besides the different roles Mothers and Fathers play, is that Fathers day is a time to be thankful for the teaching, raising, wisdom, insight, and love while Mothers day is ususally a time to remember, celebrate, and honor the caring, relationship, that mothers are so often associated with.

It is funny to recieve goofy ties, golf accessories, and other items that usually tend to be practical like tools when even though those things make me as a Father laugh, it is the smile on my daughters face and the warmth in my wife's eyes that positively shake me to the very foundation of my core and stir me to praise God for the gift of Fatherhood.

I lift up in prayer all those that are unable or just are not fathers and request your love and intercession for any pain that these wonderful people experience.

I am a father of a three year old daughter, Pearl, her and my wife mean more to me then words can express, but as long as I don't digress:

I am not sure I can even remember what I thought John 3:16 meant before I became a Father. If anyone reads this and does not know John 3:16 look it up. The Gideon's place bibles in Hospitals, hotals, and many other places and I hope you can find a place to read it, but worse case you can look online at sites like

I have a feeling that Mothers may even understand the sacrifice, love, grace, compassion, and caring that involves John 3:16 even better, but no matter what I am thankful...

Thank you God for making me a Father.

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