Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pearl's first written story

Pearl never ceases to amaze me. She just turned four and started walking up to me and telling me stories. Well she did it again and said dad, "I have a story... listen" and I was in the middle of writting my sermon for November 30th, the first Sunday of Advent this year and I said sure, so I stopped and opened a word document and typed down what she said. It was interesting to say the least and of course I am sure she is a genious for coming up with this at age four and only turning four less then two months ago.


First story written down:

There was a horse in the field in the storm and a big monster came. It was a big monster and it hit the horse and pearl and knocked them down. Then Justin came and he got hit. Pearl was Hanna Montana and came and saved Justin.
Then the big monster went potty and Justin fell on it.

I would add "The End!!!"

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