Wednesday, February 07, 2007


It has been so cold this week. Pearl has been looking out the windows and saying snow snow. We know she wants to go out and play, but it is way toooo cold. When the door opens she runs to it and than yells cold and runs back away from the door. The only bad thing for me about the cold weather that we have been experiencing is the fact that we had no water in the kitchen on Monday at all, and did not have water to the dishwasher until last night. Thanks to my Dad and his heat gun who came to the rescue. I did give him homemade chili for dinner though. I am not sure which he liked more not having to eat out (since they are still living at the Holiday Inn) or seeing Pearl. I know Pearl's highlight of the past few days was eating Mangos last night with her PapPap.

1 comment:

Corben said...

It has been cold, and Pearl has been saying snowing as well as yelling cold. It is so funny to see. She pronounces her words very well.

I am very thankful that Brenda's dad came over and re-winterized the outer basement where the pipes are that froze as well as thawing the line and pump for the dishwasher.

I did not know Pearl's highlight was eating the mangos, but I missed that. I was at the doctors getting a mole like bump, non anything to be concerned about, removed. It was a fast and painless. Pearl is such an amazing joy in our lives.

God teaches me new things daily with her and sometimes by the minute.